Unlock the full sonic and dynamic range of your Kawai ES8/ES7 digital piano with this matching triple-pedal lyre. The Kawai F-301 adds the perfect finishing touch to your Kawai digital piano and stand, having a matching gloss black finish for a seamless look. This pedal board is laid out like a proper piano, with soft, sostenuto, and damper (has half-pedal support) pedals that depress naturally for a comfortable transition between instruments. If you play music that calls for the left two pedals, keyboardists recommend upgrading from your single damper pedal to the Kawai F-301 triple pedal lyre.
- Unlocks the full sonic and dynamic range of your ES8 or ES7
- Pedals depress naturally with a smooth action
- Gloss black finish matches your digital piano and stand
- Soft (una corda) pedal, sostenuto pedal, and damper pedal with half-pedal support