Zoom H2n | Portable Digital Recorder

144,00 € MPC: 200,00 € (-28%)
Takoj na voljo Na zalogi v: Ljubljana, Krško
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Representing a new generation of portable recording, the Zoom H2n is Zoom’s most innovative handheld recorder to date.

The Zoom H2n features Zoom's best microphones yet and is the only portable recorder with five mic capsules onboard. This design enables the H2n to offer four unique recording modes: Mid-Side (MS) stereo, 90° X/Y stereo, 2-channel and 4-channel surround sound.

The Zoom H2n is the first handheld recorder to offer Mid-Side stereo recording, a technique used for many years in film and broadcast, where ambiance and surrounding noise are crucial. Mid-Side recording combines a uni-directional Mid mic that captures sound directly in front of you and a bi-directional Side mic that captures sound from your left and right.

By increasing or decreasing the level of the Side mic, you can control the width of the stereo field, which gives you incredible flexibility over your recordings. If you record in RAW mode, you can even adjust the stereo width after recording.

The H2n’s onboard 90° X/Y stereo condenser mics are arranged with the right and left mics on the same axis. This design ensures that the mics are always equidistant from the sound source for perfect localization and no phase shifting. The result is brilliant stereo recording with natural depth and accurate imaging.

Using the H2n’s Mid-Side and X/Y mics together, you can create stunning 360-degree surround sound recordings. Choose between 2-channel mode, which combines the Mid-Side and X/Y mics, and 4-channel mode, which records two separate stereo files, allowing you even more post-production capability. No matter which mode you use, you’ll get perfectly balanced, surround sound recordings.

The Zoom H2n comes with Steinberg’s WaveLab LE 7 professional audio editing software. By using its precise waveform editing and high-quality processing, you can refine your recordings into finished works.

The Zoom H2n's additional functions include: Lo-cut Filter, Compressor/Limiter, Auto Gain, Pre-Rec, Auto-Rec, Tuner, Metronome, Variable Speed Playback, Key Control, A-B Repeat, File Dividing, Normalize, MP3 Post-Encode, Marker and Surround Mixer.

Zoom H2n main features include:

  • Ultra-Portable Design
  • Newly designed user interface
  • 5 Integrated Microphones
  • 4 Selectable Recording Patterns
  • Records to SD/SDHC Cards up to 32GB
  • 3.5mm I/O
  • Reference Speaker
  • 1.8" Backlit LCD Display
  • High-Speed USB 2.0
  • Battery, USB, or AC Power
  • Battery life: 20 hours (2 X Alkaline)
  • Records in WAV up to 24-bit/96kHz and MP3 up to 320kbps
  • Data recovery function protects against unexpected recording errors
  • Steinberg WaveLab LE 7 Included

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