Two Notes Torpedo C.a.b. M | Speaker Cabinet Emulator Pedal With 32 Guitar And Bass Cabs, 8 Power Amplifiers, 8 Microphones, And

275,00 € MPC: 343,75 € (-20%)
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The Torpedo C.A.B. M takes Two Notes’ acclaimed cabinet emulation technology and packs it into a pedalboard-friendly enclosure. Thanks to this speaker cabinet emulator pedal, you can bypass your guitar or bass amplifier’s cabinet while preserving every ounce of your tone and spatial dimension. This pedal is loaded right out of the box — you get 32 guitar and bass cabinets, eight power amplifiers, eight microphones, and eight rooms. And it sounds great, by virtue of 24-bit/96kHz processing. Besides the stellar onboard emulations, the Two Notes Torpedo C.A.B. M is also compatible with third-party IRs — you can even create your own! If you’re searching for an effective way to create a portable, amp-free guitar rig, the Torpedo C.A.B. M delivers top-shelf results.

Pure Torpedo technology onboard drives 32 amazing guitar cabinet emulations

The Torpedo C.A.B. M doesn’t just hook you up with 32 of the most sought-after guitar and bass cabinets on earth, but it also gives you all the options you need to put them to work. Its configurable power amp emulation provides your choice of EL84, EL34, 6L6, or KT88 tubes plus Class A or Class A/B topologies and pentode/triode modes. All of the Torpedo C.A.B. M’s emulations are impulse-response based, including its eight amazing mic models (complete with mic placement options). The C.A.B. M is compatible with third-party IRs — you can access more than 250 virtual cabinets via Two Notes’ Torpedo Remote software. You can also capture your own cab and mic combinations using Two Notes’ Torpedo Capture software.

Specifically designed to turn your pedalboard into a complete guitar rig

Onstage, the Torpedo C.A.B. M is the perfect way to ditch your traditional amplifier and run straight to the PA, making it a perfect companion to any in-ear monitoring system. If you’re recording in a home studio or anywhere else with less-than-ideal isolation, the Torpedo C.A.B. M is a real lifesaver, allowing you to run directly from your pedalboard to your recording rig without losing any of the spatial dimension you’d normally get with a miked-up cab.


  • The perfect way to bypass your guitar or bass amplifier cabinet without robbing your tone of spatial dimension
  • Impulse-response-based emulation includes 32 guitar and bass cabinets, 8 power amplifiers, 8 microphones, and 8 rooms
  • Power amp emulation section provides your choice of EL84, EL34, 6L6, or KT88 tubes plus Class A or Class A/B topologies and pentode/triode modes
  • EQ modes include Guitar or Bass with 6-band EQ, and Custom mode with adjustable highpass filter and 5-band semi-parametric EQ
  • All processing performed in stunning 24-bit/96kHz digital resolution
  • Compatible with 3rd-party impulse responses — access more than 250 virtual cabinets via Torpedo Remote software
  • Torpedo Capture software lets you create your own cab and mic models

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