Rupert Neve Designs 542 | 500 Series Tape Emulator

869,00 € MPC: 914,74 € (-5%)
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500 Series Processor with "True Tape" Silk/Texture Circuitry

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Rupert Neve Designs brings their acclaimed tape emulation (from their Portico 5042) to the 500 Series format with the 542 module. Add the thick, musical sound of tape to your tracks, with the added bonus of Neve's Silk/Texture circuit to fine-tune your sound. Once you hear the 542, we're pretty sure you won't want to mix without it.


  • Add the rich, musical sound of tape to your digital tracks
  • True Tape circuitry uses real tape heads to emulate the characteristics of tape recording
  • Versatile Silk/Texture circuit gives you additional sonic-sculpting potential
  • Wet/dry control lets you fine-tune the amount of tape saturation
  • Soft-clip circuit helps you tame the sound of harsh, transient signals
1.111,00 €
MPC: 1.169,47 € ( -5% ) Dobavljivo čez 5-10 dni
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