Novation Impulse 49 | Usb Midi Controller Keyboard

219,00 € MPC: 280,77 € (-22%)
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USB MIDI kontroler, ki obsega 49 velocity občutljivih, polobteženih tipk z aftertouch funkcijo. Vrhunec IMPULSE serije Novation klaviatur/kontrolerjev predstavlja unikatna, vgrajena High Rate Scan (HRS) tehnologija, ki skenira klaviaturo 10000 x na sekundo in s tem zajame pristnost ter podrobnosti vašega igranja. Zraven klaviature dobite veliko programske opreme kot Ableton Live Lite, Novation Bass Station VST in AU plug-in ter ogromno zbirko Loopmasters avdio vzorcev (samples).

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The Novation Impulse 49 Note USB/MIDI controller designed to be the main control centre of your studio and music creation. The Impulse controller is designed to work with your music making software, controlling the software’s mixer, instruments and effects.

The Impulse from Novation includes Automap 4, Novation's improved controller software. Automap 4 is now more simple and easier for DAW and plug-in assignment, making the Impulse work in harmony with your chosen software. The Impulse keyboard is fitted with a Semi-Weighted keybed and aftertouch, which is ultra-responsive and can adapt to your playing style.

The Impulse controller also features eight drum pads with multi-coloured LEDs, eight rotary encoders, full transport control, nine assignable buttons and nine faders. The large LCD screen on the Impulse keeps you informed of every operation.

The drum pads on the Impulse can be used to trigger clips in Ableton Live's session view; illuminating yellow if a clip is loaded, green if it is playing and red if it is set to record. They can also work in different modes, such as following the pattern of Impulse's on-board groovebox-style arpeggiator/step sequencer. The USB powered Impulse will be a true asset to any studio environment and perfect for all types of producers and musicians.

The main features of the Impulse include:

  • 49 Note Precision semi-weighted keyboard with aftertouch.
  • Eight rotary encoders, full transport control, nine assignable buttons and 55mm faders
  • Eight drum pads with multi-colour LED backlights and multi-mode operation.
  • Large LCD with actively updating readout.
  • Robust and rugged hardware design.
  • USB powered, with expression and sustain pedal inputs and MIDI input & output.
  • Comes with Xcite+ Pack: Novation’s new Automap 4, Ableton Live Lite, Novation Bass Station and 1.5GB of Loopmasters/Mike The Drummer samples.

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