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Mooer M005 Brown Sound 3 | Micro Preamp Pedal Designed To Emulate A Legendary Shredders Signature Amp From The Early 90s

72,00 € MPC: 114,29 € (-37%)
Takoj na voljo Na zalogi v: Ljubljana, Krško
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Modelled after the 3rd version of one of the most famous signature artist amplifiers in history. This is the most recent take on the tone of a guitarist who completely changed the way we think of rock guitar during the 80’s and 90’s. Brown sound 3 has a lush clean channel that can reach mild breakup with the gain cranked and a drive channel that is tight, harmonically balanced, smooth as silk and has saturation in spades

MOOER micro preamps are sonically accurate digital recreations of the preamp sections of popular tube amplifiers. We have developed these by directly analyzing real tube amplifiers using a brand new technology to capture their sound, dynamics and response. Each Micro Preamp comes complete with dual channels, integrated speaker cabinet simulation and dual operating modes to suit the needs of all users.

Initially we are releasing a set of 10 models, each based on a different popular tube amplifier from a range of manufacturers. These have been designed to be used with the upcoming MOOER power amp or in the effects return of any standard guitar amplifier. The speaker cab simulation allows the user to connect direct to a soundcard, powered monitor or P.A. without the need for a guitar amp or speaker cab at all.


• High quality dual channel preamp
• Independent 3 band EQ, Gain and Volume controls for each channel
• Speaker cabinet simulation on/off
•2 different modes for footswitch operation. On/Off or channel A/B
• Gas Station - Boutique modern High Gain

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