Kv2 Audio Vhd 5000 Slave | High Efficiency Low/mid Amplifier For Vhd5 Low/mid Loudspeaker System

10.649,00 € MPC: 10.649,00 €
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The VHD5.0 Constant Power Point Source System is a true feat of engineering. Over five years in development it brings the benefits of point source technology to large-scale concert sound reinforcement. The system delivers audio over large areas with clarity and definition simply not achievable from the digitally processed line arrays that are so commonly used today. The system utilises highly advanced point source speaker design, extremely efficient power management amplifier technology and totally unique hybrid signal processing, 


For some time now line arrays have been predominantly used for large concert sound systems. Having all components in a single axis array has solved certain issues in respect to comb filtering problems in the horizontal plane, but destructive interference still occurs from the multiple HF horns mounted vertically. The loss of high frequencies and cancellations through air disturbance caused by audience heat and wind is another major issue. Manufacturers have attempted to correct these problems in numerous ways both through acoustic design and DSP, however the end result has been further reductions in resolution, due to the limitations of digital sampling and the simple principles of physics that cannot be ignored.

At KV2 we believe that definition equals distance and the higher the reproduction quality of the source, the better the intelligibility over distance. The theory that line arrays have less losses over distance than point source is not only incorrect, but somewhat irrelevant if the sound is not intelligible at the back of the venue anyway. To achieve the high definition needed to cover long distances we have focused on developing unique hybrid processing, which takes the very best available technologies in both the analogue and digital domains, advancing system design to a whole new level. The end result is ultimate resolution, Very High Definition sound, impulse accuracy and phase coherent audio arriving at the listening position, even over long distance.

To cover very large crowds you need a large system capable of delivering high SPL, running multiple components. To do this, as one large point source enclosure is somewhat difficult as it would be almost impossible to move around or transport. With the VHD5.0 Constant Power Point Source Array, KV2 has focused on creating a modular system that has minimal destructive interference while utilising multiple components in a small number of cabinets. VHD 8.10 Low Mid Expansion Boxes are arrayed around the VHD5.0 Mid High Enclosure providing the extra headroom needed to deliver the low mids, keeping the sound balanced.

In essence the system is pieced together to represent one very large point source, each part of the system is proportional in size to the frequency wavelengths it reproduces. The radiated power of each bandwidth therefore remains consistent and balanced in relevance to the overall frequency response. This ensures the same sound is delivered to every seat in the house. The high frequency horn in the VHD5.0 combines three 3” NVPD (Nitrate Vapour Particle Deposition) Titanium Drivers on a special manifold horn with summing wave-guide. Delivering incredible output with extremely low distortion, this unique horn assembly provides crystal clear highs over distance with much higher resistance to air disturbances.


The VHD5000S is a rack mounted, high efficiency, low/mid amplifier, specifically designed in conjunction with VHD5000 for powering the VHD5 low/mid loudspeaker system. The unit contains two separate 2500 watt amplifiers with individual power supplies, signal paths and inputs and outputs within a single four rack space chassis. The unit acts as a slave for the VHD5000, which provides audio and control signal.


Specifically designed as the amplification and control unit for powering the 1xLow/Mid VHD5.0 part and 3x VHD8.10 loudspeakers in a rack mount modules

  • Large scale Portable PA
  • Fixed installations
  • Large clubs

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