Ic Audio Mt-amp240 | 4-zone 240w Mixer Amplifier

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The mixer amplifier MT-AMP 240 is ideal to be connnected to up to four microphones (XLR) and one external line source (cinch). The MT-AMP 240 can be equipped with the plugin modules CD-Player and Tuner.

The plugin modules will be installed by ic audio. Both plug-in modules are available separately so you can upgrade the MT-AMP 240 easily. Powered with 240W this mixer amplifier is the optimum »All-in-one solution« for small up to medium-sized projects.

General announcements or alerts can be adressed by push-buttons to four zones. Besides the precise volume control for each input channel the MT-AMP 240 offers fine adjustment of bass and treble.

To connect the speakers you can choose between 25 Volt, 70 Volt, 100 Volt and 8 Ohm outputs. A blue power-LED and a three digit LEDVU meter are informing you about the operational readiness and the output level of the 240 Watt powered mixer amplifier.

The MIC1 input is equipped with a vox function, which mutes all other inputs when the connected microphone is in use. Via internal jumpers phantom power (18V) can be added to the MIC - inputs. The MT-AMP 240 can be supplied from a 24V emergency power source.

19'' installation frames (for rack-mounting) are available for both mixer amplifiers.

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