Focusrite Rednet 1 | 8-channel Ad/da Interface

1.990,00 € MPC: 2.287,36 € (-13%)
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Glavne značilnosti Focusrite RedNet 1 so:

  • Omogoča osem analognih vhodov in izhodov 
  • Statusni in signalni LED indikatorji na sprednji plošči 
  • Analogni izhod / vhod na priključkih DB25 
  • 24-bitno delovanje pri frekvenci vzorčenja do 192 kHz 
  • Zelo nizka latenca: pod 3 ms pri vsaki stopnji vzorčenja (pri uporabi avtomobila RedNet PCIe)
  • Do 128 vhodov in 128 izhodov 
  • Vrhunska kakovost zvoka z dinamičnim obsegom 120 dB 
  • Zanesljivo in zanesljivo: Dantejeva tehnologija uporablja standardno omrežno komponento 
  • Tehnologija JetPLL zagotavlja izjemno nizko trepetanje v vseh I / O napravah RedNet 
  • Enote so vroče zamenljive, zaznane in konfigurirane samodejno v vtičniku 
  • Vključena RedNet programska oprema omogoča enostavno konfiguracijo in nadzor sistema

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RedNet 1: 8-Channel AD/DA Interface
The professional audio interface system for any DAW

At the of RedNet is the tried-and-tested digital audio networking technology, Dante by Audinate, the leading developer of high-quality media networking. Dante uses conventional IP-based Ethernet switches to carry up to 256 channels (128 inputs and 128 outputs) of high-resolution digital audio over a single, standard Ethernet network. RedNet provides extremely low latency (under three milliseconds analogue-to-analogue) at any sample rate (when using the optional Focusrite RedNet PCIe card). Dante is reliable: it has been in use for some time in the live sound field where it’s deployed at major events, and live systems are routinely tested for up to a week without the loss of a single sample.

Now, Focusrite brings Dante to the studio as part of a complete, scalable system with a range of extremely high quality digital audio interfaces and components. These provide a diversity of input and output options, with the simplicity and practicalities of Ethernet connectivity. What’s more, RedNet is non-proprietary, meaning it will work with any ASIO or Core Audio-compliant DAW, including Pro Tools 9, Logic and Nuendo.

RedNet interfaces can operate alongside any supported PC or Mac with an Ethernet port (including laptops), using Audinate's Dante Virtual Soundcard (DVS) driver, meaning portable RedNet rigs can be configured. However, Focusrite's RedNet PCIe card, which features its own, single Ethernet socket, is dedicated to communicating with the RedNet network. It's the technology on this card that yields the extremely low latencies that make RedNet the ultimate studio upgrade.

Each RedNet I/O device includes JetPLL jitter-elimination technology, and delivers dynamic range of 120dB, with 24-bit resolution at sample rates up to 192 kHz. RedNet is the embodiment of the traditional Focusrite ethos: providing the high performance of todays most advanced digital conversion designs alongside pristine analogue circuitry and implementation, with exceptional value for money and stunning styling.

Focusrite RedNet 1 Features:

  • Provides eight analogue inputs and outputs
  • Front-panel status and signal LED indicators
  • Analogue I/O on DB25 connectors
  • 24-bit operation at up to 192kHz sampling rates
  • Very low latency: under 3ms at any sample rate (when using RedNet PCIe car
  • Up to 128 inputs and 128 outputs
  • Superb audio quality with a dynamic range of 120dB
  • Reliable and robust: Dante technology uses standard networking component
  • JetPLL technology provides ultra-low jitter in all RedNet I/O devices
  • Units are hot-swappable, detected and configured automatically on plug-in
  • Included RedNet software provides easy system configuration and control

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