Ni primerjave! Nič ne zveni tako kot EVENTIDE. Skozi desetletja so bili vrhunski glasbeniki odvisni od Eventide produktov ( Jimmy Page, Frank Zappa, Brian May, Eddie Van Halen, Steve Vai, Robert Fripp, John Petrucci, Andrian Belew, da jih naštejemo le nekaj... ). In zdaj, prvič so ti odlični efekti dostopni tudi Vam! Vrhunski studiji po svetu uporabljajo Eventide efekte! MODFACTOR vsebuje najboljše modulacijske efekte preteklih 36 let ( 10 glavnih tipov efektov v Modfactor-ju: Chorus, Phaser, Q-wah, Flanger, ModFilter, Rotary, TremoloPan, Vibrato, Undolator, Ringmond ). Glavne značilnosti Modfactor efekta: 25 stereo ali mono modulacijskih efektov, dva neodvisna modulatorja ( vsak vsebuje 7 ˝waveshapes˝, Envelope ali ASDR ), instantno ˝program change˝ delovanje, ˝real-time˝ kontrola z 10-imi gumbi, z MIDI kontroliranjem ali z ˝expression˝ pedalom, ˝Tap Tempo˝ in ˝MIDI Clock Sync˝ funkciji, 40 uporabniških preset-ov ( preko MIDI neomejeno ), analogna Bypass funkcija, robustno kovinsko ohišje, kovinska stikala (footswitch) za instanten dostop do preset efektov. mono ali stereo delovanje, kitarski ali linijski vhodni/izhodni nivoji. Enostavna nadgradnja preko USB ( povezava na Internet za ˝download˝ nove programske opreme )...
The Eventide MODFACTOR Digital Modulation Effects Pedal, 10 Stereo or Mono Studio quality modulation effects, Ideal for Guitar or Studio. Eventides 10 best modulation effects of the last 35 years.
The Eventide ModFactor is loaded with very high, studio quality Eventide modulation effects. The Modfactor is small enough to join a pedalboard or a gigbag, or form an important studio modulation FX option. For more than three decades, the top guitarists have chosen Eventide as their effects processors of choice: Jimmy Page, Frank Zappa, Brian May, Eddie, Van Halen, Steve Vai, Robert Fripp, John Petrucci, and Adrian Belew, to name a few. Now, for the first time, these effects are portable AND affordable. Mod factor contains 10 stereo or mono effects - Phaser, Flanger, Chorus, PolyMod, TremoloPan, Undulator, Vibrato, Q-Wah, ModFilter and RingMod. 10 control knobs provide instant real-time control of all the most commonly adjusted parameters, and optional controls via MIDI or expression pedal keep the full power of the Modfactor within easy reach. The Eventide ModFactor has a sleek, rugged design that provides an uncompromised level of functionality that is consistent with all of Eventide’s best-selling products.
The main features of the Eventide MODFACTOR include:
- Eventides 10 best modulation effects of the last 35 years
- 10 Stereo or Mono Modulation Effects: Phaser, Flanger, Chorus, PolyMod, TremoloPan, Undulator, Vibrato, Q-Wah, ModFilter and RingMod
- Brilliant LED display
- Unrivaled speed and ease-of-use
- Instant program change
- USB for updating via the Internet
- True analog bypass
- Tweakable tap tempo
- MIDI clock tempo
- Real-time control via the onboard 10 knobs or via MIDI
- Plug-and-play expression pedal control of wet/dry mix, or any combination of parameters
- Mono or stereo operation
- Metal footswitches for instant preset access
- Rugged cast metal construction
- Guitar or line level inputs and outputs (all 1/4 inch jack TRS)
- 27 user presets (unlimited via MIDI)
- Power: 9VDC 1200 mA (PSU included)