Drawmer Mx30-pro | 2-channel Compressor/limiter/gate With Programme Adaptive Gate And Soft Knee Auto Compression Functions

429,00 € MPC: 536,25 € (-20%)
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One-stop Dynamics Processor

Get Drawmer's top-end circuitry in this remarkably affordable compressor/limiter/gate! The Drawmer MXPRO-30 2-channel dynamics processor delivers the same proprietary circuitry found in some of Drawmer's most expensive models, including automated features that make its operation virtually fool proof. For example, the MXPRO-30 features Drawmer's "Programme Adaptive" gate technology. By continuously modifying its parameters, the automatic nature of the gate lets you remove unwanted low-level noise without cutting into the dynamics of the material you're processing.

The MXPRO-30 also features a soft-knee auto compressor mode, which uses automatically adjusting attack and release parameters to gently tighten your material's dynamics, without rendering it lifeless. This is invaluable when it comes to processing vocals. On the output side, the MXPRO-30 gives you a powerful peak limiter - essential for blocking sudden spikes that could damage your live PA rig. Live or in your studio, you're going to love having a Drawmer MXPRO-30 compressor/limiter/gate in your rig.

Drawmer MXPRO-30 2-channel Compressor/Limiter/Gate Features at a Glance:
  • 2-channel processor with stereo link option
  • "Programme Adaptive" gate removes low-level noise without affecting your material
  • Fully controllable compression section with a 9-segment LED gain reduction meter
  • Soft knee auto compressor continuously adjusts the attack and release times for smooth dynamic processing
  • Peak limiter prevents clipping and protects your gear

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