Darkglass Microtubes X7 | Bass Preamp Pedal, With Variable Lowpass/highpass Filters, 4-band Graphic Eq, Drive, Mix, And Mid Cont

319,00 € MPC: 319,00 €
Takoj na voljo Na zalogi v: Ljubljana, Krško
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The Darkglass Microtubes X7 bass preamp pedal nails the recipe for powerful distorted bass that maintains low-end impact. The key to punchy distorted bass is allowing your mids and highs to provide the harmonic drive, while leaving your low fundamentals firm and undistorted. The Microtubes X7 pedal achieves this by splitting your signal to two variable filters before the gain stage, so you can shape your own unique drive tone with just the right combination of boom and bite. Complete with a 4-band graphic EQ for perfecting your midrange character, the Darkglass Microtube X7 bass preamp pedal delivers powerful, tight, defined tones with any bass.

Shape your tone with two variable filters

Before driving your tone, the Darkglass Microtubes X7 bass preamp splits your signal in two and filters each. A variable lowpass filter lets you choose how much of your signal remains clean and punchy, while a highpass filter determines how much of your tone will be sent through the drive circuit. Individual level controls for each signal path allow you to balance each to your liking.

4-band graphic EQ holds your bass in the mix

Bassists that play a lot of different styles appreciate the flexibility of the 4-band graphic EQ on the Darkglass Microtubes X7 pedal. Regardless of how many guitars, keyboards, and vocalists you're working with, you have the ability to dial in just the right midrange character to sit well in the mix. You have high- and low-shelving bands, plus sliders for 500Hz and 1kHz. A master level slider allows you to compensate for extreme boosts or cuts.

Routing flexibility for stage and studio

The Darkglass Microtubes X7 is equipped with three outputs in total. A standard 1/4" output is ready to connect to your effects pedals or bass amplifier. An XLR direct output allows you to go direct to a mic preamp, mixing console, or recording interface. And the parallel output is available for splitting your signal to a separate destination from the main output.


  • Bass preamp and overdrive pedal
  • Direct output and parallel output for flexible routing options
  • Splits your signal to 2 variable filters for tone shaping
  • Lowpass-filtered signal remains clean for maximum punch and fundamental impact
  • Highpass-filtered signal goes to the drive circuit for adding harmonic saturation
  • Level controls for high and low filters allow you to create your ideal sonic combination
  • 4-band graphic EQ with high- and low-shelving bands, 500Hz band, 1kHz band, and master level control
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