• Bugera 6l6GC-4

Bugera 6l6gc-4 Guitar Amplifier Tube

87,00 € MPC: 87,00 €
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4 Matched and Hand-Selected Power Pentodes

  • The BUGERA 6L6GC is a premium-grade power tube that was designed with a focus on power, durability, consistency and capability of handling high voltage requirements. It produces super-thick and rich tone, remarkable bass definition with articulate highs and the desired “Deluxe” character to bring your guitar to the front of the mix. Premier engineering provides superior reliability and consistency that makes the BUGERA 6L6GC one of the best you can buy.
  • 4 matched and hand-selected 6L6GC power pentodes, tested and matched under simulated operating conditions to the tightest and most demanding industry specifications
  • BUGERA – The Soul of TubesTested, Selected and Matched – Our Premium Quality AssuranceOur state-of-the-art process starts by testing only the finest tubes available from all over the world. We test and stress each tube under the toughest “real-world” conditions and measure them by applying the tightest and most demanding specifications. This highly labor-intensive process cannot be substituted by machines and selecting/matching tubes is an art which we mastered over many years.BUGERA tubes are one of the finest and most musical tubes you can find – that’s what BUGERA stands for. Install BUGERA tubes, fire up your amp and hear the real Soul of Tubes.

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