Audio Technica At-vmn95e | Vm95 Series Elliptical Replacement Stylus

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VM95 series Elliptical replacement stylus

  • Aluminium cantilever
  • Elliptical stylus
  • Bonded Round Shank

VM95 Series - Styli compatibility

Every cartridge diamond stylus becomes worn after a period of play.

Around 500 hours for a conical stylus, 300 hours for an Elliptical stylus, 1000 hours for a Microlinear stylus, and 800 hours for a Shibata stylus.

Our VM95 Series dual moving magnet cartridges can be used almost forever by replacing the interchangeable stylus. It is no longer necessary to purchase a complete cartridge when your diamond is worn out, you can simply buy the matching replacement stylus, but also enjoy the experience of upgrading your cartridge with a different stylus.

The six models of VM95 Series cartridges all use the same electromagnetic engine-body, therefore each of the six replacement styli are perfectly compatible.

Elliptical Bonded Stylus

Elliptical diamond stylus follows the groove modulation with greater precision compared to a conical stylus, offering improved frequency and phase responses whilst reducing distortion.

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