895,97 € MPC: 914,25 € (-2%)
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The CAP Series are professional 100V Multi-Channel Power Amplifiers. The CAP224 offers the two channels and has an output power of 240 Watt. This way, a flexible solution is created for Multi-Zone audio distribution systems with two independent zones.

They are designed as no-nonsense amplifiers with only the necessary controls and connections, which creates great simplicity in use and installation. A high efficiency and reliability of the devices is achieved by using switching power supplies in combination with Class-D Amplifier technology. A temperature controlled fan constantly keeps all parts within the right operation range, while avoiding excessive buzz. A built-in multipurpose protection circuit protects against DC malfunction, Short circuit, overheating, overload and limits the signal when necessary.

The input connections are performed using balanced XLR connectors and Link output connectors are provided for link through to other amplifiers. Besides, a high-pass filter switch (400 Hz) and a Gain adjustment potentiometer are provided for each channel.

The output connections are performed using reliable terminal block connectors and this all is housed into a solid constructed, double rack space (2 HE) 19” rack mounting housing.

Product highlights
  • 2 Channels
  • Class-D Amplifier Technology
  • High Efficiency
  • Signal Link-through
  • Advanced protection circuit
  • Temperature controlled fan
  • High-Pass filter
  • Limiter

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