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4 STREAM DMX Bridge is a compact 4-universe wireless device which seamlessly bridges WiFi, Art-Net, sACN, and WiFLY (ADJ wireless DMX solution) signals to wirelessly control compatible DMX devices with control from the 4 STREAM DMX BRIDGE APP for iOS devices. 

4 STREAM DMX BRIDGE creates a private standalone 2.4 GHz DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) WiFi network, which coexists in busy RF environments alongside other wireless technologies. No existing network infrastructure is required, or it connects to an external network. 4 STREAM DMX BRIDGE sends constant and reliable wireless DMX signals to compatible DMX devices via DMX-512, Art-Net, sACN, or WiFLY.

Features include separate WiFi and WiFLY wireless antennas, (3) 5-pin DMX outputs, a mini USB port, a 4-button control panel, an LCD system menu display with an LED network activity signal indicator, on/off switch, an external DC 9-12V power supply, a mini omega bracket for easy clamp/truss mounting, a magnetic back for easy attachment to metal surfaces, and easy configuration from a PC connected via USB Mini B port using the 4 STREAM DMX BRIDGE Setup Windows app or over Wi-Fi using the ADJ 4 STREAM DMX BRIDGE Config iOS APP. 

4 STREAM DMX BRIDGE is ideal for small production events, nightclubs, bars or any event or venue which requires hidden data cables, and who are looking for a robust, 4 DMX universe APP based lighting control solution.


• Seamless Wireless Bridge To DMX Compatible Devices

• Supports Standard Network Protocols, Art-Net, sACN and WiFLY

• Private Standalone 2.4 GHz DSSS WiFi Network

• No Existing Network Needed or Connect to External Network

• Supports up to 4 DMX Universes (3 wired and 1 WiFLY wireless)

• Control Compatible WiFly Devices up to 2,500 Feet Away

• 14 WiFLY Wireless Channels

• Easy Clamp/Truss Mounting

• Magnetic Back for Easy Attachment to Metal Surfaces

• Easy Configuration Using Windows or iOS Apps

• Dedicated control APP with 4 DMX universes available in the Apple APP Store


APP compatibility: Compatible with iPad only. Requires iOS 9.3 or later. 



• Private Standalone 2.4GHz DSSS WiFi Network Up To 75 feet (22.8m) WiFi Range

• 4 DMX Universes

• Supports Standard Networking Protocols, DMX-512, Art-Net, sACN, and WiFLY (Up To 2,500 feet (762m) WiFLY Range)

• 4 Stream Bridge Windows and iOS APPs

• 4-Button Control Panel

• LCD System Menu Display

• Separate WiFi and WiFLY Antennas

• 3 & 5pin DMX Outputs

• 1 Mini USB Port



• Length: 4.92" (125mm)

• Width: 6.88" (175mm)

• Vertical Height: 2.44" (62mm)

• Weight: 1.06 lbs. (0.48kg)



• DC 9-12V 1Amp

Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

Specifications and documentation subject to change without notice.

292,00 €
MPC: 292,00 € Takoj na voljo
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285,00 €
MPC: 285,00 € Takoj na voljo
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